Jakob Horsch
Linguist | Translator

About me


Since 2023 Slovak Academy of Sciences | Ľudovít Štúr Institute of Linguistics, Slovak National Corpus Department

2024-25 Masaryk University Brno | Faculty of Arts, Department of English and American Studies

2017-24 University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt | Department of English Language and Linguistics

Research interests

(Usage-based) Construction Grammar

Word and constituent order

Comparative linguistics

Morphological typology

World Englishes


2023 PhD English Linguistics | University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Germany (Supervisor: Thomas Hoffmann)

2020 State-certified translator | EURO Language Institute Ingolstadt, Germany

2017 M.A. English Linguistics | University of Regensburg, Germany (Supervisor: Edgar Schneider)

2017 Teaching degree in English and Spanish language and literature | University of Regensburg, Germany 

2014 Slovakicum (Supplementary degree in Slovak language and literature) | University of Regensburg, Germany 

2014 B.A. American Studies | University of Regensburg, Germany (Supervisor: Volker Depkat)

Research activities

2024-26 | Weight Effects in English and Slovak
Principal investigator: Jakob Horsch
Fellowship for excellent researchers funded by the EU's NextGenerationEU program
through the Government of the Slovak Republic's Recovery and Resilience Plan for Slovakia

Weighing words across languages
Principal investigator: Jakob Horsch
Walter Benjamin fellowship offered by the German Research Foundation (DFG) (declined)

2021-24 | Comparing Comparative Correlatives: The more languages, the better
Principal investigator: Thomas Hoffmann
Funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG)

2017-20 | Comparing English Comparative Correlatives: The more data, the better
Principal investigator: Thomas Hoffmann
Funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG)


My L1 is German. I am fluent and hold university degrees in English, Slovak and Spanish.


jakob.horsch at korpus.sk

Google Scholar | ResearchGate | ORCiD



"Constructions, Non-modularity and Networks: Modeling Language with Construction Grammar". In Book of Abstracts:  Minding the Gaps 2025 - 12th Brno Conference of English, American, and Canadian Studies. Brno, Czechia: Masaryk University Brno.

Accepted. "Nodes, networks and redundancies: A constructional account of the Spanish Comparative Correlative construction". In Edited Volume inspired by the 2023 Hispanic Linguistics Symposium (Issues in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics).

Accepted.  With Martina Ivanová. "Looking beyond information structure: Evidence from MET experiments for weight effects on Slovak word order". Journal of Slavic Linguistics.

Accepted, pending revision. "Weighing words: A contrastive approach to constituent order". Advances in Formal Slavic Linguistics 2023 (Open Slavic Linguistics).

Under peer review. With Hans C. Boas. "Construction Grammar-based research on Slovak, in Slovakia: A case study and a road map". Slovenská reč [Slovak language] 90(2) (Special issue in English: Cognitive Linguistic Perspectives on Slovak and Other Slavic Languages).


"English as a basis for contrastive constructional investigations: Two case studies". In Book of Abstracts: 10th Biennial International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English (BICLCE), 33. Alicante, Spain: University of Alicante.

"English as a basis for contrastive constructional studies: A case study on the English and Spanish Comparative Correlative construction". In Book of Abstracts: 13th International Conference of the Spanish Cognitive Linguistics Association: New Challenges in Cognitive Linguistics. Conceptual, Methodological and Interdisciplinary Steps Forward, 9598. Granada, Spain: University of Granada. 

"English as a basis for contrastive constructional studies: A case study". In Book of Abstracts: The 13th International Conference on Construction Grammar (ICCG), 61–64. Gothenburg, Sweden: University of Gothenburg. 

"Testing a sociolinguistic model for its predictive power: An empirical approach to Schneider’s Dynamic Model". In Abstract Booklet: Variation and Language Processing 6 (VALP-6), 6. Vigo, Spain: University of Vigo.

"Mapping the comparative correlative across the GloWbE: More evidence for constructional networks". In Book of Abstracts: 45th ICAME Conference, 9293. Vigo, Spain: University of Vigo.


"From corpus data to constructional networks: Analyzing language with the Usage-based Construction Grammar framework". Jazykovedný časopis [Journal of Linguistics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences] 74(3).  701740. DOI: 10.2478/jazcas-2024-0019 

"Corroborating Corpus Data with Elicited Introspection Data: A Case Study". Jazykovedný časopis [Journal of Linguistics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences] 74(1). 60–69. DOI: 10.2478/jazcas-2023-0024

"A Corpus Investigation of the Spanish Comparative Correlative: New evidence for parataxis". In Abstract Booklet: 2023 Hispanic Linguistics Symposium (HLS), 128–131. Provo, UT: Brigham Young University. 

"Weight effects on word order in Slovak: Evidence from MET experiments". In Zumrík, Miroslav (ed.). Book of Abstracts: 18th Annual Meeting of the Slavic Linguistics Society (SLS-18), 57–58. Bratislava: Slovak Academic Press. 

"Corroborating corpus data with elicited introspection data: A case study ". In Book of Abstracts: 16th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference  (ICLC), 353354. Düsseldorf, Germany: Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf. 

The comparative correlative construction in World Englishes: a usage-based construction grammar approach. Eichstätt (Germany): University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt. PhD thesis. DOI: 10.17904/ku.opus-833

"Cuanto(s) más datos, (tanto) mejor: A corpus-based study of the Spanish Comparative Correlative construction". Review of Cognitive Linguistics. DOI: 10.1075/rcl.00157.hor


"English Comparative Correlatives: More Evidence for Parataxis". In Book of Abstracts: The 9th Biennial International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English (BICLCE), 2426. Ljubljana, Slovenia: University of Ljubljana.


"Typological profiling of English, Spanish, German and Slovak: A corpus-based approach." Jazykovedný časopis [Journal of Linguistics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences] 72(2). 342–352. DOI: 10.2478/jazcas-2021-0032

"Slovak Comparative Correlatives: A Usage-based Construction Grammar Account". Constructions and Frames 13(2). 193–229. DOI: 10.1075/cf.00051.hor


"Vidíš tým lepšie, čím bližšie sa pozeráš: Slovak Comparative Correlative CC’ Constructions from a Construction Grammar perspective". Jazykovedný časopis [Journal of Linguistics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences] 71(1), 25–40. DOI: 10.2478/jazcas-2020-0010

With Thomas Hoffmann and Thomas Brunner. "English Comparative Correlative Constructions: A Usage-based Account". Open Linguistics 6(1). 196–215. DOI: 10.1515/opli-2020-0012


"Slovak Comparative Correlatives: New Insights". Jazykovedný časopis [Journal of Linguistics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences] 70(2), 180–190. DOI: 10.2478/jazcas-2019-0049

With Thomas Hoffmann and Thomas Brunner. "The more data, the better: A usage-based account of the English comparative correlative construction". Cognitive Linguistics 30(1), 1–36. DOI: 10.1515/cog-2018-0036

With Thomas Hoffmann.  "English Comparative Correlatives: Paratactic vs. Hypotactic Features". In Book of Abstracts: The 8th Biennial International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English (BICLCE), 20. Bamberg, Germany: University of Bamberg.


"A Construction Grammar Account of the Slovak Comparative Correlative Construction".  In Book of Abstracts: SlaviCorp 2018, 7072. Prague, Czechia: Charles University.

With Thomas Hoffmann and Thomas Brunner. "The English Comparative Correlative Construction: A Usage-Based Account ". In Conference Abstracts: The 5th International Conference of the International Society for the Linguistics of English, 55–56. London: University College London. 

Conferences and talks


7.2. “Constructions, Non-modularity and Networks: Modeling Language with Construction Grammar.Minding the Gaps 2025 -12th Brno Conference of English, American, and Canadian Studies, Masaryk University Brno, Czechia.


18.12. “Looking beyond information structure: Evidence from MET experiments for weight effects on Slovak word order.”  Linguistisches Kolloquium der Fakultät für Sprach- Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften [Linguistics colloquium of the Faculty of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures], University of Regensburg, Germany.

8.11. “Testing a sociolinguistic model for its predictive power: An empirical approach to Schneider’s Dynamic Model of World Englishes.” Department of English and American Studies Research Seminar, Masaryk University Brno, Czechia.

27.9. “English as a basis for contrastive constructional investigations: Two case studies.10th Biennial International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English. University of Alicante, Spain.

26.9. “English as a basis for contrastive constructional studies: A case study on the English and Spanish Comparative Correlative construction.” XIII SCOLA 2024 International Conference, University of Granada, Spain. 

26.8. “English as a basis for contrastive constructional studies: A case study.” The 13th International Conference on Construction Grammar, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.

26.6. Testing a sociolinguistic model for its predictive power: An empirical approach to Schneider’s Dynamic Model.” Variation and Language Processing 6, University of Vigo, Spain.

22.6. Mapping the comparative correlative across the GloWbE: More evidence for constructional networks.” 45th ICAME Conference, University of Vigo, Spain.

30.4. Processing efficiency vs. typology: An experimental study of weight effects on word order in Slovak and English.” Slovak Linguistics Society, Bratislava, Slovakia.

26.3. Weighing words across languages: Slovak and English word order in light of the Performance-Grammar Correspondence Hypothesis. Linguistics Research Seminar, Centre for Language and Communication Studies, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland.

8.3. Processing efficiency vs. typology: An experimental study of weight effects on word order in Slovak and English.Department of Czech Language, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University in Brno, Czechia.


30.11. “Beyond information structure: Experimental evidence for weight effects on Slovak word order.” Formal Description of Slavic Languages 16, University of Graz, Austria.

18.10. “Corroborating Corpus Data with Elicited Introspection Data: A Case Study”. 12th International SLOVKO Conference, Ľudovít Štúr Institute of Linguistics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia. 

14.10. “A Corpus Investigation of the Spanish Comparative Correlative: New evidence for parataxis.” Hispanic Linguistics Symposium 2023, Brigham Young University, Provo, USA. 

24.8. “Weight effects on word order in Slovak: Evidence from MET experiments.” 18th Annual Meeting of the Slavic Linguistics Society, Ľudovít Štúr Institute of Linguistics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia. 

7.8. “Corroborating corpus data with elicited introspection data: A case study.” 16th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany.


17.9. “English Comparative Correlatives: More evidence for parataxis”. 9th Biennial International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. 


13.10. “Typological profiling of English, Spanish, German and Slovak: A corpus-based approach”. 11th International SLOVKO Conference, Ľudovít Štúr Institute of Linguistics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia. 


24.10. “Slovak Comparative Correlatives: New Insights”. 10th International SLOVKO Conference, Ľudovít Štúr Institute of Linguistics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia. 

28.9. “English Comparative Correlatives: Paratactic vs. Hypotactic Features”. 8th Biennial International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English, University of Bamberg, Germany.


25.9. “A Construction Grammar Account of the Slovak Comparative Correlative Construction”. SlaviCorp 2018, Charles University, Prague, Czechia. 

18.7. “The English Comparative Correlative Construction: A usage-based account”. Fifth International Conference of the International Society for the Linguistics of English, University College London, UK.


22.9. “Comparing English Comparative Correlative Constructions: First Results of a Usage-based Construction Grammar Corpus Study”. Forum Junge Englische Linguistik, University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Germany.

Book reviews


Accepted. Cappelle, Bert. 2024. Can Construction Grammar Be Proven Wrong? Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. In English Language and Linguistics

Other publications

For Radio Slovakia International's German program, I report on various topics of interest to listeners from the German-speaking countries.

Report on the Slovakicum at the University of Regensburg, Germany. A unique study program of Slovak language and culture that I myself completed in 2014. Includes an interview with Renáta Pavlová, the current Slovak lecturer in Regensburg (in German).

16.09.2024. Slowakisch studieren in Deutschland: Das Slovakicum. Die Slowakei hautnah, Magazin über die Slowakei in deutscher Sprache. Bratislava: Rádio Slovakia International. https://dersi.rtvs.sk/clanky/gesellschaft-politik/376627/slowakisch-studieren-in-deutschland-das-slovakicum.

Report on a linguistic research project that examines the influence of Czech and Slovak on the morphosyntax of the German dialects that are spoken in Vienna and its surrounding regions. It includes an interview with Prof. Dr. Newerkla from the University of Vienna (in German).

02.04.2024. Linguistik: Spuren des Slowakischen in Österreich. Die Slowakei hautnah, Magazin über die Slowakei in deutscher Sprache. Bratislava: Rádio Slovakia International. https://dersi.rtvs.sk/clanky/kultur-geschichte/358667/linguistik-spuren-des-slowakischen-in-osterreich.

The University of Eichstätt's research magazine Forum Forschung featured an article about a DFG-funded research project to which I contributed (Comparing English Comparative Correlatives: The more data, the better). The article includes an interview with my colleagues and myself (in German). 

Poese, Katrin. 2022. Sprache in der Petrischale: Englische Grammatik mit Big Data erforschen. Forum Forschung: Uni-Magazin der Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt. https://www.ku.de/fileadmin/1904/ForumForschung/forum_forschung_2022.pdf 


Masaryk University 

Winter term 2024/25

English Grammar I (2 parallel seminars)

Introduction to Linguistics (lecture)

Introduction to Corpus Linguistics

Comenius University in Bratislava

Winter and summer term 2024/25

European Course in Conference Interpreting of the European Commission (Interpreter training, German/Slovak)

Winter and summer term 2022/23

European Course in Conference Interpreting of the European Commission (Interpreter training, German/Slovak)

University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt

Winter term 2021/22 

Language Structure and Use: Construction Grammar 

Introduction to English Linguistics  (2 parallel seminars)

Phonetics and Phonology

Summer term 2021 

Current Issues in Language Synchrony and Diachrony: Corpus-linguistic approaches to World Englishes

Winter term 2020/21 

Introduction to English Linguistics (3 parallel seminars) 

Phonetics and Phonology (2 parallel seminars)

Summer term 2020 

Advanced Linguistics I: Textlinguistik und Stilistik (preparation for German state exams)

Winter term 2019/20 

Introduction to English Linguistics

Summer term 2019 

Advanced Linguistics II: Examenskurs Unterrichtsfach (preparation for German state exams)

Winter term 2018/19 

Introduction to English Linguistics


I enjoy brass/wind music and have been playing the trumpet/flugelhorn for well over 20 years.

I currently play the flugelhorn at Stadtkapelle Hainburg (Austria).

I have previously played the trumpet at Musikverein Geisenhausen, Blaskapelle Gaimersheim, and Blaskapelle Viehhausen (Germany).

If you understand German, watch the fascinating documentary about Ernst Mosch, the godfather of a genre of music that is highly popular in Bavaria, Austria and other central European countries.



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Copyright © 2025 | All Rights Reserved | Jakob Horsch | Linguist and translator